
Blaming The Predecessor


Whenever President Obama says he inherited a bad economic situation the right instantly starts crying about “blaming Bush”. If you listen to right wing talkers like Fox and Limbaugh, they would have you believe that we had the best economy ever until the day Barack Obama took office. These are the lies that have been pushed for the past 3 1/2 years and are meant to do nothing but deceive voters into electing a Republican for President (or maybe even a white guy).

But Obama isn’t the only one who blames the guy before them for economic woes. We now have someone else doing the same:

Mitt Romney has been dogged by an unfortunate statistic for his entire campaign: When he was governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job creation. President Obama’s campaign has ramped up the attack this week in response to Romney’s assertion that he knows how to create jobs — a fact he says is backed up by his record in the private sector. Sunday, Romney’s campaign struck back with a new line of defense: Romney stepped into a serious situation and improved it.

And the situation under Obama has been improving as well. But look at what Mitt had to work with, or didn’t. He didn’t have a right wing noise machine blasting every policy he comes up with, even if they are Republican policies. He didn’t have a Senate that the minority engaged in a record number of filibusters to shut down the President’s policies, nor did he have a Republican leader in the Senate admitting that tanking the economy was in the GOP’s best interest.


Instead Mitt Romney had a state legislature willing to work with him. That makes a big difference as the President (or Governor) alone doesn’t have the power to really affect the economy.

But this is politics. The right will buy into Romney’s excuses because he has an R by his name and white on his skin. It shows how sad politics in America has really become.

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