
Funny! Boehner Says Obama Doesn't "Give A Damn"

John Boehner would almost be comical if it wasn’t for the extreme delusional state that man lives in. Here’s what he told reporters a bit ago:

Boehner said the president’s focus on Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital shows that Obama, in Boehner’s words, “doesn’t give a damn about middle class Americans who are out there looking for work.” He said voters are more concerned about unemployment than what’s in Romney’s tax returns.

John Boehner has been Speaker of the House for 19 months. During that time they have done 33 votes to try and repeal the healthcare act. During that same time they have done zero votes to help boost the job or economy – ZERO!

So who is it that doesn’t “give a damn”?

And even more signs of delusion are evident in his little statement there. Mitt Romney has been facing increased criticism for shipping U.S. jobs overseas. These are the factory jobs that used to fuel our middle class and Romney got rich off of getting rid of those. That’s what these tax returns will show, just how rich he got.

I almost chuckle every time I hear a Republican warn about the rise of the Chinese government. Are the really that stupid to question it while pushing for a man to become President that played an instrumental role in the rise of the Chinese economy? Come on. People can not be that moronic!

Why doesn’t Boehner show he “gives a damn” about his own district? He needs to climb down off his high horse and look in his own backyard. Travel the 7 miles over here to Hamilton and look at a town that was a booming manufacturing town and now is crumbling. This is a town that was credited with helping to win World War II because of our manufacturing. Now there are none of those businesses left. This is a town that was a major paper producer and now the final factory is packing up.

The President has a whole country to worry about. John Boehner has 1/435th of the country to worry about and he has failed far more than Obama ever will. This is a man who doesn’t “give a damn” about his own neighbors.

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