
Romney Supporter Assaults Protestor

At a campaign event here in Ohio a supporter of Mitt “no plans” Romney decided that the first amendment should only apply to certain people:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sent two GOP heavyweights to northern Ohio Thursday to beat President Barack Obama’s similar bus tour to the punch.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, traveling on Romney’s campaign bus, stopped at Parma’s Kentown Plaza to emphasize what they say is a gap between what Obama has promised and what he has delivered.

But a physical clash between Romney supporters and protesters overshadowed the Parma campaign stop by the prominent pair, who are often mentioned as possible running mates for Romney.

The quarrel broke out as soon as Pawlenty took the stage before about 200 people at the strip shopping center.

“Pawlenty go home, Pawlenty go home,” the protesters chanted over the former governor’s speech.

Here’s video of the attack:

Al Neal of Fight For a Fair Economy in Ohio, the person getting the handkerchief shoved in his mouth took the high road and just continued on with his protest peacefully, even though what is clearly shown in the video would be considered assault under state law.

But how does the right respond to this story? Well here’s Jim Hoft:

OBAMA GOONS Provoke Attack at Romney Campaign Rally

No – the video is clear. This man exercised his first amendment right by protesting peacefully. It was right wing goons that decided to turn it physical.

That’s not what gets me though. Instead Hoft refers to this guy as an “Obama goon” as though he is somehow associated with the campaign. Sorry conspiracy boy, but that isn’t the case, unlike this:

Romney’s campaign bus — adorned with the words “Conservative. Businessman. Leader” today repeatedly honked at and took several laps around a group of Obama supporters before a campaign speech to be given by President Obama in Cleveland today, according to a tweet by CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller.

And that’s not the first time that EMPLOYEES of Mitt Romney’s campaign have done this. The person driving this bus is being paid by the Romney campaign to interfere with the President’s freedom of speech.

Now that might sound harsh, “interfering” with the President’s “freedom of speech”, but look how Richard Brysac, the gagging assailant that is a Mitt Romney goon (to steal from the wingnuts) defended his actions:

“He seemed thirsty, so I tried to shove the bottle in his mouth,” Brysac said. “I thought it was wrong to interfere with [Pawlenty’s] freedom of speech.

Will he do the same when Romney engages in his usual tactics of interfering the Obama’s freedom of speech? I highly doubt it.

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