
Romney's Latest Tax Defense Rivals Schoolyard Tactics

“I know you are, but what am I”. Remember that one from grade school? Well that little jab might seem rather mature compared to Mitt Romney’s latest defense about not releasing more of his tax returns. Here’s what he told Fox and Friends:

“John McCain ran for president and released two years of tax returns,” Romney explained. “John Kerry ran for president. You know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars, she never released her tax returns. Somehow this wasn’t an issue.”

And neither did Cindy McCain, but has the left brought that up? No. And what happened to wives being off limits? I guess that is out of the question now.

But way to go Mitt. You have now shown you are the biggest child to entire presidential politics in a lifetime, if ever. Only you can sink to new lows like this. I’m just glad you’re finally showing America what kind of man you really are.

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