
Still Don't Think Race Is A Factor In Florida Voter Suppression?


This right here should spark a big national discussion about the state of our nation in 2012:

In the debate over new laws meant to curb voter fraud in places like Florida, Democrats always charge that Republicans are trying to suppress the vote of liberal voting blocs like blacks and young people, while Republicans just laugh at such ludicrous and offensive accusations. That is, every Republican except for Florida’s former Republican Party chairman Jim Greer, who, scorned by his party and in deep legal trouble, blew the lid off what he claims was a systemic effort to suppress the black vote. In a 630-page deposition recorded over two days in late May, Greer, who is on trial for corruption charges, unloaded a litany of charges against the “whack-a-do, right-wing crazies” in his party, including the effort to suppress the black vote.

In the deposition, released to the press yesterday, Greer mentioned a December 2009 meeting with party officials. “I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times. He also said party officials discussed how “minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party,” according to the AP.

This isn’t some blogger, media type or a nobody. This guy was the head of the Florida Republican Party and under oath has admitted to meetings that Florida GOP officials held to talk about ways to stop blacks from voting. This is racism, no matter how you look at it. These are party officials, with salaries paid by the Republican Party, looking for ways at keeping Americans from partaking in their Constitutional right to vote and going as far as to segregate their attempts by race.

It’s time for the Department of Justice to open a full investigation into Florida’s GOP. Sure people like Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Hannity will scream that it is an election tactic, but that’s just their own racism coming out. Eric Holder should ignore it and stand up for what is right in our nation. We can’t continue to bow down to these racist egomaniacs.

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