
SWIFTBOATING: The Right's True Views Of Our Military Heroes

Tea Party darling, child support non-paying, Rep. Joe Walsh has decided that Tammy Duckworth, his Democratic opponent this fall, is not a true hero. Duckworth, for those that don’t know, lost both legs when an RPG hit her helicopter in Iraq in 2004. She was busy fighting over there while the cowardly Joe Walsh was sitting home, figuring out how to not pay child support. Here’s what he said:

WALSH: Understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, “Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!” He didn’t want to do it, wouldn’t do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That’s what’s so noble about our heroes. Now I’m running against a woman who, my God, that’s all she talks about. Our true heroes, it’s the last thing in the world they talk about. That’s why we’re so indebted and in awe of what they’ve done.

She lost both legs! Of course she is going to talk about it. Joe Walsh never even had the balls to serve and this piece of shit, cowardly scum fucker has the audacity to say he doesn’t think she is a hero?

And where in the hell is the outrage from the right over this? There is none. They don’t care about our military at all. Instead they only show outrage when it’s a political asset, like back in May when Chris Hayes said on MSNBC he was “uncomfortable” calling fallen soldiers “heroes”. Then there was outrage.

But don’t take my word for it. Instead let’s turn to the site that aggregates all the blogs, Memeorandum. Here’s what the page looked like after Hayes comment on May 28th:

Now compare that to today on Memeorandum when talking about Joe Walsh:

Not one blog on the right has had the nerve to call Walsh out. Not one!!!! Yet when some MSNBC host said something similar, the right was up in arms.

I think this is a very important thing to point out as we get ready to celebrate the birth of our nation. The ones in this country who beat their chests and scream “support our troops” the loudest are the ones who actually don’t. Instead they just use them as tools to try and show their patriotism. Talk about one of the biggest tragedies in America. Right there you have it!

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