
The Romney Auction Hits $75,000!

Last month a $50,000 per couple fundraiser was held in Hollywood for Barack Obama. The right went crazy, decrying him as an “elitist”. If $50,0000 per couple makes one an elitist, what does $75,000 per couple make one? An extremist elitist? Perhaps we should ask Mitt Romney, who is doing just that.

At the evening fundraiser at the estate of Julia and David Koch on Meadow Lane in Southampton, the suggested contribution was $75,000 per couple — with funds going to Romney’s campaign, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee.

But let’s face it, money isn’t really the issue here. It costs hundreds of millions to run for President thanks to our very broken system of democracy and crappy Supreme Court rulings in Citizens United. What does matter is what happens at these fundraisers.

When you think of President Obama, you already know what his plans are. We have heard them for the past five years and see him try to implement them, even though an obstructionist GOP blocks them to put party first. But with Romney, what are the plans? We have heard before that he lays out actual plans at these fundraisers. Did he do it again this time?

The fact that Romney feels the only people deserving of hearing his plans are those that can drop $75,000 for a sit down with him should be the most alarming thing to every American voter. It’s Romney telling you and me that we don’t have money so we aren’t good enough to know how to fix America. It also shows that Romney believes America is only for the rich, and the other 99% of us are just here. I find it an insult of massive proportions and the media needs to hit Romney on this.

We are now less than 4 months from Election Day and Romney has yet to give a major policy speech. Instead he just says “Obama is doing this wrong” and “I can do better”. Saying you can do better and giving examples of how you can do better are two totally different things.

When voters punch the cards in November, unless Romney makes a change, then they are only voting against Obama. There is no way they can say they are voting for Romney, when they don’t even know what they are voting for.

It’s time for Romney to lay out his actual plans. Give us the meat and potatoes so that we can make an informed decision on November 6 and not just vote for rhetoric. That’s what the Republicans said happened in 2008, so don’t they want to prevent that from happening this time? I would certainly hope so.

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