
As Isaac Nears, GOP Goes Into Full "Blame Obama" Mode

Hurricane Isaac is set to hit the Gulf late tonight, early Wednesday morning. With that we have the GOP at a category five stage of hot air, trying to blame President Obama for everything.

First off we have the Republican leader and king of all conspiracy theories, Rush Limbaugh, suggesting that Obama had the Weather Service manipulate models to force the RNC to cancel the first night of their convention:

It’s the government. It’s Obama.
And I’m noticing that that track stayed zeroed in on Tampa day after day after day. And the Republicans react to it accordingly over the weekend, canceling the first day of the convention. What could be better for the Democrats than the Republicans to cancel a day of this? […]
Okay, 6:45 p.m. Saturday night the Republicans announce that they’re canceling Monday. At 6:45 p.m. Saturday night, everybody is still under the impression that Isaac is making a beeline for very close to Tampa. It was an hour and 15 minutes later that the eight p.m. model runs showed New Orleans. I’m alleging no conspiracy. I’m just telling you, folks, when you put this all together in this timeline, I’m telling you, it’s unbelievable.

You can hear it for yourself, thanks to Think Progress:

And then we have the right going after the President for campaigning while Isaac comes. Here is what Drudge is pushing:

This links to CNS News, a plethora of wingnut outrage and conspiracy.

So let’s take a minute and remember Katrina. I feel it necessary to remind the short-lived memory of the Republicans of Bush’s response with a couple of photos.

On the morning of Monday, August 29, 2005, Katrina hit as a category four. The levees in New Orleans broke and the town instantly flooded, leaving thousands trapped and hundreds dead. How did Bush respond on that morning?

That’s right! He decided to celebrate John McCain’s birthday with him as one of America’s greatest cities was drowning.

Over the course of that day and into the next we had images like this on our television:

Yet on the following Tuesday, 36 hours after the levees broke and all America knew we had a mass disaster going on, here is what George Bush, Republican President of the United States, decided to do.

We all remember what happened 7 years ago this week. The GOP wants us to forget, but we remember. The very fact that they are engaging in this kind of rhetorical spin shows that the GOP does not give a damn about the people or the facts. This shows just how despicable America’s right really is.

I’m sure if things get really bad and Isaac becomes another Katrina, President Obama will cancel any campaign events and instantly take charge. I’m sure even George Bush would do the same today if he were still President. We saw what happened in 2005 and learned from our mistakes. It’s just the Republican Party that wants to play games with such a devastating memory.

Thanks for destroying the memory of those 1,833 that died from that storm, Republicans! You show what life really means to you. It also shows what kind of Christians your party really is.

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