
Could The Democrats Take It All?

Following the Democratic convention and Romney’s countless failures of late, things are starting to look really good for President Obama’s reelection chances. But there maybe even more to celebrate.

Polling out this past week has shown a big shift in the Senate. Currently Nate Silver has the Democrats not only holding the Senate, but also picking up a seat. This is extremely good news and something we want to keep going.

But the good news doesn’t stop there. With the big shift towards the left, some are even saying that the House has a good chance of flipping. Here’s what Sam Wang of Princeton Election Consortium has to say:

As seen in recent articles in Politico and U.S. News, few pundits think the Democrats will re-take the House. However, analysis of a leading indicator suggests to me that transfer of control is a distinct possibility. With that, I plunge ahead.

And sure enough House polling is showing that this could end up happening.

We’re still over a month from Election Day and in political terms that is a lifetime, but if Democrats can keep this momentum going and exposing Romney for the person he really is, then November could turn out really, really good for Democrats.

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