
Scott Brown's Macaca Moment


Sen. Scott Brown’s staff has been caught on tape ridiculing Elizabeth Warren’s Indian heritage:

Staffers for Sen. Scott Brown chanted Indian “war whoops” and made “tomahawk chops” during a rally for the Republican senator this week in Boston.

n a video posted on YouTube, Brown’s staffers are seen holding campaign signs near the Erie Pub, chanting and making tomahawk chops, presumably in reference to Elizabeth Warren’s claims of Cherokee heritage.

Brown’s Deputy Chief of Staff Greg Casey and Constituent Service Counsel Jack Richard, State Director Jerry McDermott, special assistant Jennifer Franks and GOP operative Brad Garnett are pictured in the video, NewsCenter 5’s Janet Wu confirmed.

“It is certainly something that I don’t condone,” said Brown when asked about the video. “The real offense is that (Warren) said she was white and then checked the box saying she is Native American, and then she changed her profile in the law directory once she made her tenure.”

No Scott. The real offense is the questioning of anyone’s heritage. I have an American Indian grandfather and that does make me American Indian.

But is also goes beyond that. Warren hasn’t been using her heritage to try and influence her campaign. Instead Brown made an issue of it because of what her form said. It’s the Republicans who want to make skin color, heritage and even religion a litmus test for candidates.

And as an American Indian, I am calling on Brown to apologize to all American Indians and anyone else who finds this video offensive. On top of that, he must fire any staffers seen in this mockery of our democracy. It’s a total insult what his people have done and they aren’t showing any shame for it.

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