
On That IRS Scandal

With news that the IRS was targeting conservative groups, the right has a true scandal on their hands. The IRS is not to be used as a political tool and this kind of activity should give everyone of us reason to worry, despite our ideological beliefs.

Luckily Congress is going to be holding hearings into this scandal, as they should. But, as with any of these scandals, comes time for political posturing. For example, yesterday George Will actually floated impeachment of President Obama over this. Of course we don’t know if anybody in the administration was actually involved and the IRS commissioner at the time of the scandal was actually a Bush appointee.

Now if it does turn out that someone in the Obama administration was directly involved, I would support action against that person. If it turns out that Obama himself was involved, then let’s start the impeachment process and I will back it 100%. But what we don’t need right now is intellectual midgets, like George Will, out there spreading false blame. We also don’t need Congress to distort the investigation into a political witch hunt. After all, we are investigating those political witch hunts and justice is not served by engaging in yet another. Instead we need a truly open investigation that examines all the facts and only the facts.

And something else to remember on this. Republicans had every reason to rid themselves of the Tea Party. After all, the Tea Party has proven to be a much bigger asset to the left than the right. They go out and primary Republicans, who have held onto seats for a long time, and end up winning that primary, only to lose the seat to a Democrat in the fall. The Tea Party is the very reason the GOP is dying today, so motivation for a Republican to go after them is much higher than that of a Democrat.

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