
Amazing and Very Crooked Things Happened in Texas Last Night

Yesterday the Texas state Senate took up what would have been the harshest anti-abortion legislation in the country. Luckily Democratic State Senator, Wendy Davis, wasn’t going to stand for it and stages a 12+ hour filibuster. Throughout the duration of the filibuster, there were some very stressful times, where state Republicans failed to shut it down. They finally did, then went ahead with the vote, which passed.

Or did it?

As thousands stormed the capitol in Austin to protest what was happening, the state GOP was up to their typical games, that echo of one of their favorite sons, Tom Delay. The vote happened and the bill got enough votes, but the vote didn’t start until after midnight, making it invalid by Texas law. But the GOP wasn’t going to allow that, so they insisted that it happened in time and passed.

Even on the state Legislature site, the raping of democracy was visible. Here’s the bills results page. Originally it showed it passing on 6/26, but later was changed to 6/25, so that it appeared to have happened when the Senate was still in session.

Then, about 90 minutes after the vote, and while Texas state police were refusing to let the citizens, that assembled to be heard, even have water, the Senate was called back into the chambers. After about 45 minutes it was announced that the voting was after midnight and the bill was dead.

Yes this was a victory for women’s health, but also a sign of just how much Republicans are willing to lie and break the law in order to push their agenda.

Right after the vote there was tons of evidence that the vote happened after midnight, including the recorded document, which show 12:02 am. Despite these facts, the Senate let the lieutenant Governor declare the bill passed. It wasn’t until crowds started growing bigger outside to protest the bill that the Republican controlled Senate went into “oh shit” mode. If it wasn’t for the people, fighting against a gestapo like tactic of state police, taking to the capital and protesting, this story would be much different today.

The power of the people was evident in Texas last night. Hopefully it can be the catalyst for a new, stronger movement against the closed minded thinking of the Republican establishment. After yesterday’s blow to the Voting Rights Act by the Supreme Court, we need a stronger, people-powered movement. Perhaps Wendy Davis can become the face of that movement.

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