
REPORT: Republican Ideals Are A Thing Of The Past

I have countless Republican friends. Whenever I tell them that their party’s ideals are antiquated and costing them dearly in the polls, they look at me like I’m crazy. Now a new report out also concludes the same thing, and this report was completed by the College National Republican Committee. In it the focus is on the GOP and their inability to attract new, young voters, specifically those under 30.

The findings in this report are really interesting, such as:

“In the focus group research conducted in January 2013,” the report said, “the young ‘winnable’ Obama voters were asked to say what words came to mind when they heard ‘Republican Party.’ The responses were brutal: closed-minded, racist, rigid, old-fashioned.”

This is something many of us have been saying over the past several years, including Howard Dean, who got chastised by the right for bringing up such a point. Instead of listening and a will to change, the Republicans resort to their standard childhood tactics of sticking their fingers in their ears and going “na na na we can’t hear you.” This is the number one problem with today’s GOP and what will lead to their demise.

And when it comes to economic policy, young voters view the Republican Party much the same way many of us do:

“We’ve become the party that will pat you on your back when you make it, but won’t offer a
hand to help you get there. This has to change in order to have a shot with young voters.”

The GOP’s focus on low taxes and pro-business policies has left young voters thinking “they will only reap the benefits of Republican policies if they become wealthy or rise to the top of a big business.” The GOP is at risk of being seen as the “fend for yourself” party.

This is the right’s race war. We have heard them accuse President Obama of “redistribution of wealth” time and time again, but in fact it is the GOP. Their only economic concern is that of those who are well off. As for the rest of us, well we’re on our own in their eyes.

I suggest you take time to read the rest of the article and the report. The conclusions made on abortion, gay rights and immigration also show the disconnect today’s GOP has with the American people. If the party doesn’t decide to do some serious soul searching and make changes, they will become a dwindling minority for the long term.

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