
The Wonderful Crapspiracy Filled World Of Joe Wilson (R – You Lie)

The Wonderful Crapspiracy Filled World Of Joe Wilson (R - You Lie)

Everyone remembers Rep. Joe Wilson, the Republican from South Carolina, who decided to make a mockery of one of our nation’s oldest traditions of the State of the Union Address, when he yelled out “you lie” to President Obama. Well he is back and this time he has a doozy of a conspiracy theory to pander:

WILSON: With the president’s redline, why was there no call for military response in April? Was it delayed to divert attention today from the Benghazi, IRS, NSA scandals, the failure of Obamacare enforcement, the tragedy of the White House-drafted sequestration or the upcoming debt limit vote? Again, why was there no call for a military response four months ago when the president’s red line was crossed?

YES! That’s it. The President even had Assad gas his people, just so he would have distraction! I also remember other conspiracy theories that Republicans loved pushing, like the one of President Clinton bombing some no-name terrorist, just so he could take attention from the impeachment hearings. That no-name terrorist actually did have a name and his name was Osama bin Laden. And (in my Paul Harvey voice) now you know the rest of the story.



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