
Terrorists – Could be Right Next Door!!!

Imagine if our enemy was closer than you think – Your next
door neighbor, or the person who sits across from you in the office. It could
even be your doctor and local grocer. This would frighten the hell out of anyone
around here. Now, what if that enemy was you? Yes – you could very well be the
enemy the FBI is targeting.

In a report by the

Associated Press
, they have learned that the FBI counterterrorism division
has been keeping thousands of pages on activist groups around the country. These
aren’t groups you would think of like the Klu Klux Klan or the
Westboro Baptist Church, who thinks
9/11 was a blessing. The groups they are following are the ones trying to
promote peace. Groups like the ACLU and Greenpeace are now the target of
investigations by the FBI.

One report by the

Washington Post
even indicated that the FBI’s counterterrorism unit was
watching a group planning to protest the Republican National Convention. If this
was done by the Clinton White House, you can be certain there would be screaming
of abuse of powers. Oh Wait. This did happen then; When Hillary Clinton was
allegedly “abusing” powers to do FBI background checks on key people in the
White House. Of course, that was an allegation that never played out.

This is a vial abuse of not only power, but a violation of
first amendment rights. If the FBI’s counterterrorism division were spending
more time on the actual enemies like Al Qaeda and less time on people like
Greenpeace and the ACLU, then perhaps London would be a different place today.
This is just more signs of how we are slowly becoming a police state!

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