
We All Support Terrorism

Congress is debating rather or not to extended day light
savings time by three weeks a year. This is the answer to the energy crisis in
our nation.

Polls show that a majority of Americans are concerned about
not only energy conservation, but also the environment. It is true that both of
these issues go hand in hand. Our oil dependent nation is causing a decrease in
our ozone. We are the largest consumer of oil in the world and we are starting
to pay for it.

The question is; why is Bush President when so many people
are concerned about these issues. Our government is being run by a bunch of
people who come from the oil industry. People in the oil industry wanting fuel
efficiency are the same as drug dealers supporting rehab. It is not going to

We are in a new technological age. We are a world connected
by computers and networks. We see new technologies coming out every day. We have
the knowledge in our nation to wean us from the dependency of oil. Our
administration does not want that. They want to see us burn gas so that their
wallets get fatter, and at what cost. The cost of our lives and the lives of our
children and their children. The greatest crime against humanity is being
committed right under our noses and it needs to be stopped.

The truth is, we have an abundance of renewable energy
sources. Our oceans provide it by the ways of tidal power. We can harness power
from the wind and even our sun. So why don’t we see more of this natural power
being harvested. Because it will have one victim and that victim is the oil

If we would have started to move away from oil in the
1970’s then there is a good chance we would not be in war today. Are interests
in the Middle East have always stemmed from our oil dependency on that region.
The harsh reality is when you drive your car, you are supporting terrorism. If
we want to move away from this awful dependency, then we will need a President
who will motivate the researchers to develop the technologies, not one that will
hinder them. We need a President that does base his deepest loyalties on the oil

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