
Biden/McCain in 2008?

Last night on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Senator Joe
Biden was the guest. Stewart asked Biden about his potential run for the White
House in 2008. Biden said he is in the process of going out and seeing if he has
the potential to win. This does not come as a shock since he has already been
saying that.

The part of the interview that really shocked me was when
he left a hint to who he might look at as a running mate. He started talking
about his close friend and fellow Senator John McCain. That’s right, could we
see a Democratic candidate for the White House with a Republican running mate.
This would be a definite stirring of the partisan pot on Capital Hill.

In 2000, I was a McCain supporter. Even though I am a
registered Democrat, I felt a good quality in John McCain and wanted to see him
win the primary. McCain offers a true life level of expertise that we
desperately need in the White House right now. The fact that he is a moderate
also adds to his list of credentials in my opinion.

So if we get into 2008, how will the extreme sides of the
partisan scale react to a mixed party ticket? The fact is both Biden and McCain
are moderates in their parties. They don’t follow the strict ideologies of
either party; they are both free thinking men that legislate from the mind and
not the allegiance of their party. This very well could be what our country
needs. Mend the divide amongst red and blue and try to paint the country more of
a purple.

Biden also said last night that he tried to get McCain to
run with Kerry. That would of most likely been the added boost we needed to get
Bush out of the White House in 2004. Unfortunately McCain declined and we all
know how that story ended. If Joe Biden wins the primary in 2008 then I truly
hope McCain will accept an offer to be a running mate and undo what this
President has done – a greater divide of our nation.

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