
A New Place to Donate


I removed the link for aide at the top and replaced it with the banner at the
right. The top link went straight to FEMA’s page, where they were pushing
donations to Operation Blessing which is ran by Pat Robertson. In a time of such
a disaster, I would rather see the money go to a cause that will insure the help
of those who are in need instead of being funneled to an organization ran by a
man who calls for the assassination of world leaders.

has more on this story.

If you have anything you can give, then please click the banner on the right
and donate to the liberal bloggers relief fund. The goal is to raise one million
dollars and it is already up to $50,000 in a short time. This money will go
straight to the needs of those who deserve it and not to an already over wealthy
television evangelist.


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