
Don't Write Condi Off In 08


This past Sunday on Meet the Press, Condi told Tim Russert that she would not
run in 2008. The following is a transcript of the reasons for this:

MR. RUSSERT: Before you go, I’d like to read something from The
Washington Times. Headline: “Americans for Rice, a group that hopes to draft
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as a presidential candidate in 2008, has
paid for a 60-second ad to run in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday night during
ABC’s `Commander in Chief,’ a new show about a female president of the
United States. Iowa, of course, traditionally holds the first presidential
contest, a caucus system. The same ad appeared in New Hampshire…during the
Sept. 27 broadcast of `Commander in Chief.’ New Hampshire, of course,
traditionally holds the first presidential primary.”

Would you accept a position on the Republican ticket in 2008?

SEC’Y RICE: Tim, I’m flattered that people think of me in that
way, but I think it was on your show that I said I don’t know how many ways
to say no. I really am–I’m not somebody who wants to run for office,
haven’t ever run for anything. I don’t think I ever ran for high school
president. And I think I’m doing what I need to do, which is to try and
promote American foreign policy and American interests, the president’s
democracy agenda at an extraordinary time. And to the degree that I can do
that across the world, that’s what I’d better keep doing.

Full transcript here.

Now look past the fact that Condi could not even remember if she ran for high
school president (something I am sure anyone would remember). She is stating she
would not run because she never has run before. But what if she holds a public
office that she was appointed too? How about one like Vice President. According
to the latest

, it is very possible that if Cheney resigns over the leak Condi will
get appointed the job.

Seems like if she did get that job, then that could change her whole argument
in 2008. She would start doing more public appearances and perhaps take a liking
to the scene. Perhaps Condi’s message to Tim Russert was more scripted than


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