
Far Worse Than Watergate


Arianna Huffington has put together a cheat sheet on the CIA leak case to
help people better understand what has transpired. She has coined that the leak
case is worse than Water Gate, which could actually be an understatement.

Watergate never actually got out of the planning cycle. It was more like a
deterred terrorist attack that we hear so much about today. In the leak case,
the crime has already been committed and our valuable resource of intelligence
has been crippled because of it.

To make matters even worse, we are also now in a war over the faulty
information that was at the heart of this crime. No one died in Watergate. 2,000
American soldiers and countless other lives have been lost over Plamegate.

Sorry, but this crime is far worse than Watergate. I kind of stayed clear of
calling it  Plamegate because of the seriousness of this case as compared
to Watergate. We actually need a new catch phrase for these crimes. Something
that echoes the dreadful outcome of the actual cry.

What we have seen unfold before our eyes is something that you would usually
only see in a Hollywood action movie. A President’s trusted aides working hard
to lie a nation into war, effectively deceiving the very public that gave him
his job.

Indeed, calling this Plamegate sends out an over all message to the American
people that this may not be as bad as some are making it out to be. It is far
worse, so if anyone has any suggestions to a name for this treasonous crime
please leave it in the comments.

In the mean time go on over to

The Huffington Post
and read what Arianna has put together. She does do
great work.

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