
Drudge Explains The 'X'

14 hours later and Matt
finally got the story straight about the mysterious X over Cheney’s
face. CNN has reported on it and called it a “computer glitch”. They even said
they had one White House offical voice concern over the X:

“Is someone in Atlanta trying to tell us something?”

Sorry right wing – no Clinton News Network conspiracies. You can lay to rest
the rumors that the Communistic National Network is planning an attack on the
vice-President. We live in a world full of technology and that technology
sometime breaks down. Most of the graphics and that on television are generated
through computers and we all know how temperamental those can be.

It has made for an exciting past 12 hours. I have generated a lot of hits
because of it and so has Dan at the
Dan Report
. Now the important question – anymore right wing conspiracy
theories need discredited?

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