
San Fran Bitch Slapping O'Reilly


Bill O’Reilly’s comments about San Francisco have started a real storm.

This from

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Supervisor Chris Daly is firing back at Fox News
commentator Bill O’Reilly for comments he made on his radio show Wednesday
that encouraged al-Qaida to “blow up” Coit Tower.

O’Reilly reacted to San Franciscans’ approval of Proposition I, which
discourages military recruiters on public high school and college campuses.

He advised President George W. Bush to react by withdrawing any military
protection for the city. “…If al-Qaida comes in here and blows you up,
we’re not going to do anything about it. We’re going to say, look, every
other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want
to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead,” O’Reilly said.

Daly responded on the KRON 4 Morning News, “Coit Tower’s a monument to
San Francisco’s firefighters. They put out the fires in San Francisco after
the great quake. American heroes — they were there on Sept. 11 and now you
want al-Qaida to blow up Coit Tower? Give us a break. You are out of line.”

John Hanley, president of the San Francisco Firefighter’s Union Local
798, was incensed.

“Coit Tower is a monument to the bravery of the men and women of the San
Francisco Fire Department,” Hanley said. “When Bill O’Reilly makes an attack
on Coit Tower, he’s attacking us and our bravery.”

He added, “Mr. O’Reilly, maybe we should bring you into some of our
burning buildings and see how brave you are.”

Proposition I got 60 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s election. It does
not ban recruiters, but it does urge schools to reject them.

Next week, Daly will introduce a resolution before the Board of
Supervisors asking that Fox News fire Bill O’Reilly.

The last part is really of interest here. I can not remember when a city has
ever asked for a radio or television personality to be fired. It will be
interesting to see how FOX responds to this resolution if it passes. Perhaps San
Francisco can push to have FOX taken off of the cable service there also.

The thing that really gets me about this story is the fact that Bill Maher
lost his job hosting Politically Correct on ABC because of his comments about al
Qaeda. FOX can sit there and try to trash all the other networks but we do see
that they hold their talents to standards that FOX would never achieve.

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