
Legislation To Ban All Lobbist Gifts

Harry Reid has taken steps towards cleaning up the corruption in Congress
with a bold move. He has banned all of his staff from accepting gifts from
lobbyists. Via

Raw Story

In a memo last night, Reid chief of staff Susan McCue instructed Reid
staffers not to accept any gifts from lobbyists. The move is a precursor to
a package of ethics reforms the senator plans to introduce Wednesday with
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the ‘Honest Leadership Act.’

Reid staffers will continue to be able to speak with lobbyists, an aide
said, though all travel, gifts and meals will be banned.

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Reid and Pelosi are set to introduce legislation to Congress tomorrow to
address the problems of the corruption. The bill is called the “Honest
Leadership Act” and will ban gifts from all lobbyists. Hopefully other members
will follow suit and support this act. It will be a hard battle with people like
Santorum fighting for K Street.

 The fact is our government is “by the people for the people” and this
act is returning our government back to its roots.  Hopefully this can
become a precursor for larger campaign reform and making it so the common man
can once again afford a run for office.

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