
Your Phone Records For Sale

Want to know who called a phone number or who that phone number called? For $110 you an find out.

The Chicago Police Department is warning officers their cell phone records are available to anyone — for a price. Dozens of online services are selling lists of cell phone calls, raising security concerns among law enforcement and privacy experts.

Criminals can use such records to expose a government informant who regularly calls a law enforcement official.

Suspicious spouses can see if their husband or wife is calling a certain someone a bit too often.

And employers can check whether a worker is regularly calling a psychologist — or a competing company.

Some online services might be skirting the law to obtain these phone lists, according to Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who has called for legislation to criminalize phone record theft and use.

In some cases, telephone company insiders secretly sell customers’ phone-call lists to online brokers, despite strict telephone company rules against such deals, according to Schumer.

Article continues here.

If this practice is not illegal then it should be. This information should be classified and only obtainable with a court warrant. The fact that these companies are getting this information means the telecom industry is involved and making even more money by selling off our privacy.

AmericaBLOG had much more about this story.

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