
A More Hopeful Outlook For Democrats

It looks like Bush’s Dubai deal is starting to pay off – for the Democrats:

Just 17% of Americans believe Dubai Ports World should be allowed to
purchase operating rights to several U.S. ports. A Rasmussen Reports survey
found that 64% disagree and believe the sale should not be allowed (see

Just 39% of Americans know that the operating rights are currently owned
by a foreign firm. Fifteen percent (15%) believe the operating rights are
U.S. owned while 46% are not sure.

From a political perspective, President Bush’s national security
credentials have clearly been tarnished due to the outcry over this issue.
For the first time ever, Americans have a slight preference for Democrats in
Congress over the President on national security issues. Forty-three percent
(43%) say they trust the Democrats more on this issue today while 41% prefer
the President.

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What is of real interest here is the fact this poll was conducted by
Rasmussen who typically slants to the right pretty heavy. It will be interesting
to see what other polls have to say about the same subject in the coming days.
This is taking a big bite out of the Republicans strong hold amongst voters.

has his February Senate Forecast up and it looks like the Democrats are
gaining grounds on more than just the National Security issue.

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