
Internet At Risk

The Nation has a very interesting article that exposes what the
telecommunication giants are trying to do behind are backs. According to the
article, they are lobbying for the current legislation regulating their industry
to be reduced so that they can set up a “pay to play” system. What that means is
you will be charged for such things as emails, instant messages, streaming
media, anything you do online as well as having a monthly fee.

The other scary thought of this is the data mining needed for such a program.
The companies can’t just blindly charge you without having it itemized. That
means the internet providers will keep records of every thing you do online and
even expose our habits and lives to a greater extent than they are now.

I urge you to read the article in full and contact your representatives to
urge they defeat this measure. If this happens then the internet as we know it
is in danger.

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