
Killing the Internet

I guess the Republicans in charge of our country do not like their citizens having access to information. One way to stop that is to overprice the internet to the point only CEO’s and millionaires can operate on it:

FCC Chief Kevin Martin yesterday gave his support to AT&T and other telcos who want to be able to limit bandwidth to sites like Google, unless those sites pay extortion fees. Martin made it clear in a speech yesterday that he supports such a a “tiered” Internet.

Martin told attendees at the TelecomNext show that telcos should be allowed to charge web sites whatever they want if those sites want adequate bandwidth.

He threw in his lot with AT&T, Verizon, and the other telcos, who are no doubt salivating at the prospect at charging whatever the market can bear.

This is part of the larger conspiracy by the telco giants to price the internet out of existence. We are at a point that it would take Congress to stop this action. If not then numerous sites could be affected. Of course one big impact would be on lonely bloggers, like me, who would not be able to afford these high prices.

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