
The Plame Game Continues


It looks like there is still more intrigue to the case of Scooter Libby and the investigation by Patrick Fitzgerald. Editor and Publisher reported this today:

Woodward suddenly revealed late last year that he had talked with Libby as well as another unnamed government official about CIA operative Valerie Plame, the wife of former Ambassador Joe Wilson. Earlier, columnist Robert Novak had also said he had an unnamed second source.

One paragraph in Thursday’s filing, NBC reported, indicates that the unnamed official spoke both with Woodward and Novak, and “Libby has been given a redacted transcript of the conversation between Woodward and [redacted] and Novak has published an account briefly describing the conversation with his first confidential source [redacted].”

Does “transcript of the conversation” mean that there is an audio recording of the conversation between Woodward, Novak and the unnamed source? Or merely a detailed set of notes?

“Last Friday, Judge Reggie Walton decided to continue to protect the anonymity of one administration official, whom Libby’s attorneys described as a confidential source about Plame for two reporters, one of them apparently Woodward,” NBC said.


Now that is very interesting. Who is this unnamed source and why did the judge allow the source to remain unnamed? The only reasoning would be if Fitzgerald is still investigating and charges are possible against the unnamed source. By the time the case goes to trial, unnamed source will have to be named or won’t even be considered evidence. We have been waiting awhile to hear more from Fitzgerald how ever the wait is actually not that bad. The longer he takes to announce anymore indictments the closer we get to elections and the impact of any more indictments will be that much stronger.

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