
The Rights Worst Nightmare – A Free Jill Carroll

It sure didn’t take long for Jill Carroll to get slammed by the right. Here is a nice little piece of hate-blogging by Debbie Schlussel:

Why are so many people who claim to be patriotic Americans so overjoyed that Jill Carroll was freed, yet hardly a peep when American contractors and others were freed?

Here’s a clue for the obviously dimwitted. Why was Jill Carroll freed? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she HATES AMERICA and our Mid-East policy. And, oh yeah, she HATES ISRAEL, too.

Not that this should have dawned on people when extremist Muslim groups like HAMAS front-group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) flew all the way to Amman, Jordan to plead for Carroll’s safety.

All I can say is “what a hate mongering prude” this Debbie Schlussel is. Why does Debbie love the insurgents so much? Why does she hate life and peace so much?

Here is something to ponder Debbie. All Jill has done is disagree with U.S. policy in the Middle East. Perhaps you should clear the hate filled haze from your eyes to look and read at what the general consensus is around America. A majority of us do not like the Bush’s Middle East policy. Now you are lumping a majority of Americans into the same category as Jill Carroll.

Now Debbie. If you are so dense to not realize what America is then get the hell out. We are a country founded on dissent. Dissent is a vital ingredient to our democracy. People like you, who would rather see those that disagree get beheaded are the true terrorists to America. If you want everyone to agree with everything in our country then I suggest you find a place called Stepford and move there, we have no room for a hater like you.

Now here is an incredible twist to this entire line of Jill bashing. Not one of us was there with her and no exactly what it was like. None of us where there when she made her recording yesterday. We have not heard Jill’s entire story, yet hate mongers like Debbie quickly jump on it. Perhaps Jill was making those statements in hopes to become free. Now how can YOU sit there and doubt her for that when you support things like torture.

Sorry Debbie, there is no beheading video starring Jill Carroll for you to watch at night. It is apparent you were looking forward to seeing that.

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