
My Take On Powell

First he said he never believed the presentation he gave to the U.N. in 2003. Now he says he wanted more troops for the initial invasion of Iraq:

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday defended the Bush administration’s Iraq war planning after her predecessor, Colin Powell, said he had made a case to send more troops to deal with the war’s aftermath.

Rice also said she did not “remember specifically” what instance Powell was referring to on his recommending to President George W. Bush that more troops be sent.

In an interview with a private British television station on Sunday, Powell said there had been debates about the size of the force and how to deal with the aftermath.

This story has become one of the two buzzes of the blogosphere today (the other being the Colbert appearance last night). While everyone is focusing on what Powell is saying, I am focused on what he is not saying. That would be his reason for waiting three years before saying any of this.

I can not remember another administration in history that has had this many ex-officials come out and tell us what we thought all along – the administration is broken. The list is a mile long, and one I plan on compiling here in the near future so any help will be appreciated.

The point is, someone needs to ask Powell why he has waited so long to say anything. If he says what we all suspect, that he was afraid of what it could do to his career, then Congress absolutely must call Powell and other former members of the administration in, put them under oath and ask the questions. We have numerous departments and agencies so people can focus on their areas of expertise. Bush is no where near a “know it all”, no matter how much he acts like one.

So will someone from the media ask Powell why the delay in coming forward?

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