

CNN has a very amusing story up. It seems that WaPo’s Jim VandeHei finally called the White House on the fact that the TVs are always on FOX News:

During a briefing led by White House spokesman Scott McClellan as President Bush was traveling to New Orleans, Louisiana, the Washington Post’s Jim VandeHei asked why the White House televisions always seemed to be tuned to Fox News and if it was possible to have them tuned instead to CNN.

“It’s come to my attention that there’s been requests — this is a serious question — to turn these TVs onto a station other than Fox, and that those have been denied,” VandeHei told McClellan, who is soon to be replaced by former Fox anchor and self-described conservative Tony Snow.

“My question would be, is there a White House policy that all government TVs have to be tuned to Fox?” VandeHei asked.

“Never heard of any such thing,” McClellan responded. “My TVs are on four different channels at all times.”

VandeHei noted that McClellan has four televisions in his office, and clarified that he was referring to the ones that reporters can see.

“They’re always turned to Fox, which a lot of people consider a Republican-leaning network.”

VandeHei noted that the televisions are paid for with taxpayer dollars.

“And my understanding is that you guys have to watch Fox on Air Force One. Is that true?”

The transcript of the change continues here. It ends with the televisions on Air Force One finally being changed to CNN at the request of a majority of the Press Corps.

It is good to see the Press Corp finally call the White House on more bullshit, even if it is something that seems as minor as this. The fact is FOX news does not report the true stories, they say what Bush wants to hear. Every other major news outlet reports the true stories and they get ignored. Perhaps if the White House watched something besides FOX on the day Katrina hit they they would have known what was happening.

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