
Greenwald Responds


By now I am sure most of you have read about Delay thinking Stephen Colbert is actually some right-wing journalist, even though his show is obvious satire and appears on Comedy Central. If you are in the dark on this then check out Think Progress.

Now Bob Greenwald has responded:

Life as I have known it is coming to an end.

How will I ever recover from the harsh sting of a bad review from Tommy boy? According to a recent fundraising effort by Delayites, I “crashed and burned” on Colbert. Clearly, this is tragedy — Shakespearean in its implications and Chekhovian in its impact.

AND — now the money addict is using my appearance on Colbert to fundraise. That is either the highest compliment possible, or the lowest blow.

So, see the movie made by Mark Birnbaum and Jim Schermbeck, The Big Buy: Tom DeLay’s Stolen Congress, and then decide if Tommy really should be using this film to fundraise. Or better yet — subpoena the film for his trial, as his lawyer is saying the DeLay team may do!!! What to do in a world turned this upside down? Celebrate Clean Money Day, a day dedicated to the memory of Tom. Go to a house party and work like hell so that some of DeLay’s corrupt cronies are thrown out of office this November. In the meantime I will retreat to fathom the meaning of “crash and burn” on Colbert…

Bob did a great response but I am worried about it. Delay has proven that when we deal with him we are dealing with an entirely new level of idiots. They might take what Greenwald said in this post and believe that he is conceding in this. True that might add a little more fun to this very interesting story.

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