
More Talk About Gore In '08

The talk of a possible Gore run in 2008 is gaining momentum and the AP is on it:

Al Gore is running to California, New York, Utah, Washington, France and points in between to promote “An Inconvenient Truth,” a film chronicling his elaborate slide shows to educate people about global warming.

But is the former vice president running for president again?

The answer, he says, is no. Some Democrats are not so sure.

“I’m a recovering politician on about Step 9,” Gore told The Associated Press. “But I’m on a different kind of campaign now — to persuade people to take action to solve the climate crisis, and it’s always easier when you’re focused on one thing.”

For most of his adult life, Gore was focused on the presidency. He ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination in 1988 and served as vice president under President Clinton from 1993-2001. He narrowly lost the 2000 presidential campaign to George W. Bush, despite collecting more popular votes than the Texas Republican.

He’s a richer man for his loss — literally. Gore is a senior adviser to Google Inc., a member of the Apple Computer Inc., board and co-founder and chairman of an investment firm.

He has done wonders for himself and also trying to do wonders for the planet. I don’t know if there could be a better choice for the White House in 2008 and I would love to see Gore run and win it.

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