
Oh Here Is The Progress


We heard this past winter about troop reductions. The U.K. even pulled out 1500 troops. Now we are sending more back in:

The U.S. military said Monday it was deploying the main reserve fighting force for Iraq, a full 3,500-member armored brigade, as emergency reinforcements for the embattled western province of Anbar, where a surge of violence linked to the insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq has severely damaged efforts to turn Sunni Arab tribal leaders against the insurgency.

The insurgents have assassinated 11 tribal leaders in the Ramadi area since the end of last year, when Sunni sheiks in the city began open cooperation with the U.S. military. That alliance was heralded by U.S. commanders as a sign of a major split between Sunni insurgents and the larger Sunni community of western Iraq.

So is this progress? Is this the great accomplishments we have heard the Bush regime brag about over the past several months? Here is a headline from today:

At least 37 dead in 2 Iraq car bombings

The sad part is these headlines occur on a daily basis now. They are getting more and more common and yet Bush lies to the American people and says things are going so good. We are at the point that the only way we can have some hope for restoring peace in the Middle East and restoring our position in the world is to impeach Bush and turn him over to the Hague to stand trial for war crimes. After that we need to put a leader in who will try to gain international support to go in and fix this fuck up Bush has made.

What is really bad is that we probably need another 100,000-200,000 troops in Iraq but Bush won’t do it because it will show he has screwed up and in doing so killed thousands of people.

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