
Some Goss Talk

The Porter Goss resignation has taken off like wildfire. First up we have this great little piece from Think Progress:

Minutes ago on Fox News, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said he doesn’t believe the White House spin that Porter Goss’ resignation had been planned for at least a few weeks.

I think there were either serious disputes or some internal problem at the agency or some scandal conceivably involving an associate of Goss’. Who knows? Something that popped this week and that caused this sudden event this Friday.

I can’t believe that Gross would just “up and decide to resign” without something major happening. I have to agree with the buzz on the blogosphere that this is possibly tied to the hookers, bribery and other investigations stemming from Gross’ time in Congress.

Next up we have the buzz about his possible replacement, courtesy of Raw Story:

Rumors in the intelligence committee, as reported by MSNBC and confirmed by sources to RAW STORY, indicate that Frances Townsend, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism is seen as a likely replacement. RAW STORY stresses that so far, this is only a rumor within the intelligence committee, and no announcement is seen to be coming today.

This is really scary to think off. I don’t know anyone outside of the Bush-apologist, PNAC crowd that would feel Townsend would be a good choice to head the CIA. What’s next – an appointment of Barbara Bush to head DHS?

Finally, Crooks and Liars has an interesting video up of MSNBC’s Norah O’Donnell explaining how the resignation of Gross could very well be tied to hooker-gate.

(Oh and as a side note, Huffington Post is reporting that the resignation of a Pentagon Under-Secretary is also imminent.).

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