
Bush Isn't Listening To You.

After all – why should he?

President Bush understands there is growing U.S. concern over his handling of the Iraq war but will not rely on polls to determine when to withdraw troops, his spokesman said Sunday.

“The president understands how a war can wear on a nation,” White House press secretary Tony Snow said. “Whatever the bleakness is, whatever the facts are on the ground, you figure out how to win. You can’t do that by reading polls.”

“Most people realize simply pulling out would be an absolute unmitigated disaster,” Snow said.

It is funny how the White House constantly says they won’t listen to polls – well that is until a poll comes out in their favor. So how else can Bush tell if he is doing a good job? Polls are the only way to gauge the performance of our politicians and send them a message from the general pulse of America when we are not holding elections. Now if the Democrats take over both houses this fall then will Bush still say he don’t care about polls?

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