
Iraq Has Gone To Hell, But Don't Blame Bush


One thing Bush can not hide from this election season is the plethora of problems facing our forces in Iraq. Today has been another very bloody day:

Police said Wednesday they found the bodies of 65 men who had been tortured, shot and dumped, most around Baghdad, while car bombs and mortar attacks killed at least 39 people and wounded dozens more.

Two U.S. soldiers were also killed — one on Monday from enemy action in restive Anbar province and the other Tuesday by a roadside bomb south of Baghdad, the U.S. military command said.

The U.S. military said it could not confirm all the execution-style killings and said the numbers they had for the bodies so far was lower than that reported by police.

“It is looking like about a 50 percent discrepancy on execution-style killings so far,” said Maj. Josslyn Aberle, chief of the media relations division for the Multi-National Corps-Iraq.

Also consider the fact that we have basically lost the entire Anbar province (an area approximately 55,000 square miles in size), and even worse yet is who has become the driving political force in the region – al Qaeda. We have taken Iraq a complete 180 degrees from where it was when Saddam was in power, and sadly it was in the wrong direction.

Something I found real interesting yesterday was when CNN said “Bush is now ready to hear the truth about Iraq”. What do they mean he is “now ready”? If Bush could not hear the truth before then he must be impeached. This is a pure case of neglect of his duties as commander in chief. What is he worried about – his political life? The hell with political lives – actual lives are being lost in Iraq and if Bush is to shallow to hear that then he must be removed from office right now. This is not an issue of left or right, this is an issue of life. Anyone supporting Bush’s cowering from the truth of Iraq is as guilty as the insurgents in Iraq.

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