
So Long Habeas Corpus

Our nation has now turned back the hands of time to a point in history before we were actually a nation:

The Senate, siding with President Bush shortly after he personally lobbied lawmakers at the Capitol, rejected a move Thursday by a leading Republican to allow terrorism suspects to challenge their imprisonment in court.

The vote paved the way for final passage of Bush’s plan to establish “military commissions” to prosecute terrorism suspects in legislation that also spells out violations of the Geneva Conventions, a treaty that sets international standards for the treatment of war prisoners.

Republicans say the bill is necessary to ensure that terrorists can be brought to justice and that CIA personnel will not be charged with war crimes when interrogating these suspects.

Barring any last-minute hiccups, the bill could reach the president’s desk as early as Friday.

The Republicans feel that people have no rights and can be detained indefinitely just because the President wants them to. This is an all time low for our nation. Of course the legislation takes a big chance of failing in the judicial system, but that will take time. It will also reset everything that Senate did this week and have to be done all over again. This is the price of a rubber stamp congress. They have destroyed what America stands for.

Just as disturbing is the provision in this bill that gives a carte blanche pardon to Bush and his administration for violating the Geneva Conventions. The pardon is effective from 9/11/2001 on up. By passing this bill, Senate has already convicted the Bush administration of war crimes and instead choose to make it so that breaking the law is legal. Again – they have destroyed what America stands for. Bush, his administration and the Republicans are true enemies to the United States.

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