
The Right Blogosphere's Reaction To Foley

Not surprisingly, the right side of the blogosphere seems somewhat quiet on the Foley news. There is however a couple of items I do want to bring up.

First is this post in Redstate’s comment section:

I just posted a blog about this as you were writing your post, apparently, having just seen the Drudge reference.

What Foley did wrong was create this scenario in the first place, and so close to the election that the RPOF probably can’t get a good replacement candidate ready in time.

Yes Jonlester it is bad that he created this scenario. Being close to an election has nothing to do with it however. By the tone of this comment, I believe Jonelster feels it would have been better if Foley would have been allowed to continue his little emails until after the election. This is a case of winning seats outweighs child safety to some on the right.

In that same comment thread on Redstate, we also see how the right is trying to pass Foley off as a RINO (Republican In Name Only):

This RINO Rep Foley has been unveiled for who he always was. He was a media favorite because he fought his President & is liberal/moderate.

Recall he dropped from GOP primary for US Senate race earlier this cycle or last. The political insiders heard of rumors he was a homosexual even then. But, he could not win any statewide primary race as the “moderate” Bush-opposing RINO anyway.

He flirts then drops before he loses. Now, he’s finally gone.

The only difference I could actually predict if Foley would have been a Democrat is that it wouldn’t have gotten this far. Why? Because Republican leadership would have instantly acted when complaints came out last year. It would have become a great issue for them. Instead it was a Republican and the Republican leadership could not let that get out in the open.

Now to Malkin. She made a simple blurb about it:

Very damning evidence. If it is all true, and it seems very likely that it is, Rep. Foley has shamed himself, his office, his district, and his party.

I got back recently from Seattle, where good friends told me about their son’s wonderful experience as a Congressional page earlier this year. Rep. Foley’s apparent abuse of office and lecherous communications with a 16-year-old boy– during what should have been one of the best times in his life as a page in Washington–is every parent’s worst nightmare.

It happens to both boys and girls, and all parents must be vigilant and immunize their children against predators early and often.

Yes it is a simple blurb, but read more into it and it is not so simple. The last paragraph says it all. Of course parents should be more vigilant, but so should have the House leadership. Why not address that Michelle? The lawmakers helped become the enablers in this sick tail. They ignored the warnings, and one can only guess they did so in the name of politics.

Since Malkin has always taken a strong approach against child predators, I would expect her to come out in strong opposition of the inactions of the Republican leadership. Since she doesn’t even want to mention it, she is apparently putting her political bias ahead of child safety. That is truly sad.

I got to give props to Captain Ed of Captain’s Quarters, who has taken a strong stance against what happens. He talks about the disgrace of what happened and the fact that the Leadership did not act properly upon the information. His commenters however, well they show a total act of hypocrisy. The very first comment in his post about Foley is this:

Okay, first the preemptory stuff: Every American is afforded the right to be presumed Innocent before proven Guilty!

Okay, that’s the Legality; the court of public opinion, of which I’m a member says:

He’s a paedeophilic scumbag hypocrite, and he deserves everything he gets!

And, since these original charges were referrd over a year ago; the Republican leadership of the House, is negligent, IF they knew, for NOT forcing him to resign a year ago!

IF this incident, causes some type of voter rebellion, and the Republican’s lose the House now, as a result, despite the timing of this now is clearly a Leftist hit-job, then, they deserve it!

(emphasis mine)

So the commenter Dale in Atlanta feels now that every American is innocent until proven guilty? Of course they are, but isn’t it interesting that this is his stance on the very day the Senate approved the detainee bill? That is a bill that specifically goes against that rule of our law. Perhaps Dale in Atlanta is thinking more along the lines of Every Republican is afforded the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. After all, if your an American and George Bush decides that you are on the side of the terrorists, then he can put you in jail for however long he wants.

And finally we finish with Little Green Footballs and Atlas Shrugs. Not much to say here. That is because they have not even mentioned it on their site! This is a major, major news story and they choose to ignore it. I guess that is a true sign of denial.

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