
IntoxiNation Forum Update


The forums will be down for a couple of hours tonight while I update the software and fix some problems. I noticed new users were unable to register due to some software errors. I apologize for that and it is being corrected now.

I have not promoted the forums much, but now that I have freed up some prior obligations, I am planning on focusing more on promoting them. I want to provide an open atmosphere for people to discuss today’s issues. The forum is open to all, however it is geared towards the progressive/liberal side of politics. While I do welcome opposing views, I want to make the point now that I will not tolerate trolling or posting by right wingers in an effort to derail every thread into a flame war. I have been a part of other forums in the past that allowed this and it ends up hurting more than helping. Actually the ones it hurts the most are the actual people with opposing views who want to reasonably discuss issues important to them. They are immediately guilty by association because of the actions of the trolls.

If you want to join in a new online community and discuss anything that comes to mind, from pulp culture to movies to politics to current events, then please sign up. If you are a progressive blogger than please send me a PM through the forum and I will add you to the special blogger group that opens up another section of the board to discuss items pertaining to today’s blogosphere.

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