
It Appears Foley May Have Tried To Meet A Page

Every hour this story seems to multiply now. The latest from Brian Ross shows now that there could very well be criminal charges:

In addition to explicit sexual language, former Congressman Mark Foley’s Internet messages also include repeated efforts to get the underage recipient to rendezvous with him at night.

“I would drive a few miles for a hot stud like you,” Foley said in one message obtained by ABC News.

The FBI says it has opened a “preliminary investigation” of Foley’s e-mails. Federal law enforcement officials say attempts by Foley to meet in person could constitute the necessary evidence for a federal charge of “soliciting for sex” with a minor on the Internet.

(Emphasis mine)

Now we have what are most likely imminent federal charges coming from this, and it gets worse. It also appears that Foley may have already met one page.

Maf54: I miss you lots since san diego.
Teen: ya I cant wait til dc
Maf54: 🙂 Teen: did you pick a night for dinner
Maf54: not yet…but likely Friday
Teen: ok…ill plan for Friday then
Maf54: that will be fun

The messages also show the teen is, at times, uncomfortable with Foley’s aggressive approach.

Maf54: I want to see you
Teen: Like I said not til feb…then we will go to dinner
Maf54: and then what happens
Teen: we eat…we drink…who knows…hang out…late into the night
Maf54: and
Teen: I dunno
Maf54: dunno what
Teen: hmmm I have the feeling that you are fishing here…im not sure what I would be comfortable with…well see

Yes it appears that a member of the United States House of Representatives was becoming overly aggressive with a Page who was not only more than 30 years younger than him, but also a minor.

What makes this more interesting is the “dinner plans”. As Aravosis pointed out yesterday, Rep Shimkus (R-IL), who heads the Page Board, knew Foley was spending time alone with these pages after he was already made aware of problems. Now we have yet another minor who was put in harms way because of this disgusting political cover-up by Republicans.

The NY Times is saying that conspiracy charges could come from the potential cover-up in this.

And Mr. Foley is not the only person who could possibly face prosecution, Professor Berman said. “If there were people who knew about him or protected him,” he said, “some sort of complicity or conspiracy charge is certainly viable.”

And it should, but there must also now be questions asked of the Department of Justice, and none more pressing than why they have waited for 4 days to start an investigation (the story broke on Thursday). If we hear down the road that there is not enough evidence to convict then we must wonder if it was because of this delay. After all, Foley has had the whole weekend to destroy evidence on his computer. The Republican leadership has had the whole weekend to destroy any incriminating evidence that may be in his office. Dennis Hastert is the man who so strongly opposed federal agents searching a member of Congress’ office, and this was when it was a Democratic member.

When the Democrats regain control of Congress, this must be a priority for them. Start an investigation into the Republican cover-up and the DOJ’s lag in starting an investigation. The children of this country deserve much better than they are getting. From Hastert to Gonzales, if they been trying to hinder justice then they must face justice!

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