
Mark Foley – The GOP's Dream Come True!

I am really beginning to think that the Foley scandal is the GOPs campaign tactic. They want to keep the story out front. Here is my reasoning for this.

1. More top Republican aides keep coming forward and throwing new monkey wrenches in the story. Just today another top aide to Denny Hastert has come forward and said he told the speaker about what was happening a year before Hastert admits it.

2. Gerry Studs, Gerry Studs, Gerry Studs. We hear that name constantly now. All the media is using that GOP talking point. They are trying to minimize what Foley did because of what Gerry Studs did. Some facts need to be straightened out on that though.

3. The Republicans keep saying that they want to talk with their constituents about what really matters to them. I disagree. Foley is the story and it is out there. The GOP can do nothing about that, except exploit it. What do they really want to say about:

These are the issues the American people will take serious stock in. The Republicans do not want these issues getting the non-stop coverage on the 24/7 news channels. If they keep Foley on the front page of the media’s news, then they can do an under the radar local level spin on everything.

Notice something about Foley? It isn’t the Democrats talking about it – it is the Republicans. It isn’t Democrats yelling that Hastert should resign – it is the Republicans. That is why I still say Hastert is toast. He will resign, but he will do it at a time when it is opportune for his party – right before the election, or is some other bombshell drops on the Republicans.

The Democrats need to take control of what is out there in the news and let the American people know that the war on terror, the economy and Afghanistan are the most important issues. These are also issues that the Republicans have no substantial argument in because it is their policies that have failed.

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