
Bush Has No Plan For Iraq – Now al-Maliki Must Make The Plan!


Earlier today our commander idiot in chief had this to say:

President Bush said on Tuesday the hand of al Qaeda lay behind the sectarian violence racking Iraq, and deflected talk of “civil war.”

So that means our number one enemy is behind all our troubles then. Great – that means our military should be handling this problem. So then why is Bush saying this also:

Bush said he will ask al-Maliki to explain his plan for quelling the violence.

So it’s al-Maliki’s responsibility to deal with al Qaeda? I thought we were the ones fighting al Qaeda. Isn’t this Bush’s war? How the hell can he go demanding Iraq’s plan when he has yet to present a plan.

This line of babbling from Bush will do nothing but increase the number of Iraqi’s and U.S. soldiers that die for his lies. Someone needs to sit him down and slap the stupid right out of him because he is the biggest danger to the world and needs to be stopped. Democrats better not sit there next year and worry about political futures and instead move to serious hearings and impeachment so that we can save the lives of what few troops we have left. After he is out of office then turn his ass over to the Hague along with Cheney and Rumsfeld so they can stand trial for war crimes. This is the only way the world will accept us as a responsible power again.

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