
Our Lack Of Support For The Real War On Terror


Bush always equates Iraq to the war on terror, even when experts disagree with him. What is sad is how he has done this so much that he seems to have mentally drawn a disconnect from the real war on terror, which is suffering now:

More troops and sophisticated equipment are needed to bolster Afghanistan’s security forces, but it is not clear whether more U.S. troops will be deployed there, U.S. and Afghan defense officials said Tuesday.

Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry told Pentagon reporters that U.S. officials will wait until after next week’s NATO summit in Latvia to see how many troops other countries plan to provide before deciding if more U.S. forces must be sent to Afghanistan.

“I think it will be best at this point to wait and see what NATO is able to provide,” Eikenberry said. “There’s more meetings that are taking place on the military staff. And this is very high on their agenda.”

U.S. military leaders have been pushing NATO members to meet their commitments and provide more troops in Afghanistan. For months, officials have said that NATO nations have provided only 85 percent of the support they promised. There is a NATO-led force of about 30,000 in Afghanistan, including some 12,000 U.S. troops. An additional 11,000 American troops are there under U.S. control, conducting counterterrorism operations and other training and reconstruction duties.

So we have had to put our vengeance for 9/11 on the hands of other nations now while we fought this failed Iraq war. They should go ahead and just charge Bush as the 20th hijacker. He has used 9/11 to hijack this country and given aide to those who did attack us by not going after them in the most vigilant way that they deserve. At least Osama is honest about who he hates and wants to kill.

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