
Will The Right Wing Blogs Hold Their Reader Accountable?


It has been four days now since the news that Chad Castagana was arrested in suspicion of sending fake anthrax letters to numerous stars and Democratic politicians. In this time, there has been a very eerie silence coming from the right-wing blogs, as well as the mainstream media. As matter of fact, the only person in the media I have heard report on this is one of the recipients himself – Keith Olbermann.

During Countdown last night, Olbermann was reporting on parts of the affidavit for the warrant, and parts of it had a real bad smell of wing-nuttery. Apparently Mr. Castagana was a huge fan of right wing darlings Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Laura Ingraham. So why aren’t any of these people mentioning it? Why haven’t they come out and denounced the actions of one of their loyal fans. Their silence only shows an approval for what Castagana has done.

Isn’t it amazing how these are the same wingnuts that always use the argument “the Democrats want to let the terrorists win”. Well here you have a case of one of their own tying up hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of manpower from our vital counter-terrorism task forces, and they can not show outrage towards this. Think of what these professionals could have been doing if they didn’t have to chase down the product of right-wing reading. 

I can say safely say that if the tables were turned and this was a reader of Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, AmericaBlog, Firedoglake or any other big left-wing blog, then the authors of those blogs would quickly denounce the actions of that person. This is the difference in how the left holds their readers accountable as compared to the right.

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