
A Perfect Need For Oversight


Sure – we can fork out all this money:

The U.S. government already has a courthouse at Guantanamo Bay, but the Pentagon isn’t satisfied, CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports. It plans to spend $100 million of your tax dollars to build a huge new facility just down the hill.

“This is very expensive for the number of cases, 60, which they anticipate trying,” says Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

That’s right, a $100 million courthouse to try about 60 cases. That’s $1.6 million per defendant … just for the building. The trials will cost many millions more.

So let me guess – Halliburton is tapped for the contract, so Dick Cheney become even richer at the expense of America. Why can’t they just use a tent, with some armed soldiers to make sure the defendants don’t run? This is just another sign of pure government waste and taxpayer fraud at the behest of George W. Bush and company. Congress must hold serious oversights as soon as the Democrats take control and put an end to this. Furthermore, the companies who have become rich from this crap need to repay the money to the taxpayers. I want mine back – don’t you?

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