
Bush Theatens To Use The Veto Pen Again.

Why does Bush hate American farmers? They clear brush just like him!:

The United States Congress risks a presidential veto if it approves a multibillion-dollar disaster aid package for farmers and ranchers, the White House said on Tuesday, ahead of a Senate vote on the question.

Farm-state senators, along with nearly three dozen farm and agribusiness groups, have pressed for months for disaster relief. Drought damaged crops and livestock in the Plains and western Corn Belt this year. Rain destroyed hay crops in the Northeast.

Of course farmers face more disasters by mother nature now. We have a President who ignored global warming and brushes it off as a “myth”. But why veto this bill? Well look here:

The administration strongly opposes the Senate’s agricultural assistance proposal, the cost of which could exceed $4 billion,” the White House said in a statement. “If the president is presented with a bill that includes this agricultural assistance proposal, the president’s senior advisers would recommend that he veto the bill.”

(emphasis mine)

Well that is a good reason. I mean that could buy another 1/2 week in Iraq. Of course we don’t need to worry about the well being of our own citizens. Let the farmers enter poverty. Hell – look how good it worked out for New Orleans.

This inconsiderate asshole needs booted out of the White House fast. Of course this will help push more rural areas blue. Can we say “campaign issue in 2008”? Yup – the GOP hates American farmers.

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