
"Grave and Deteriorating" Crisis


That is what the Iraq Study Group is now calling Bush’s failed war in Iraq.

The United States should begin to withdraw its forces from combat in Iraq and launch a diplomatic push, including Iran and Syria, to prevent “a slide toward chaos” in the country, a high-level panel recommended on Wednesday.

The bipartisan Iraq Study Group also pushed Washington to reduce its political, military or economic support for Iraq if its government fails to advance security and national reconciliation in the country, where sectarian violence kills scores of people every day.

It also called for the Bush administration to engage with Iran and Syria, whom U.S. officials accuse of fomenting the insurgency in Iraq, and to press for a “comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace” to settle the festering conflict.

Of course there are those who are pissed off about this report. These are the people who feel we should continue down a path of disaster, leaving our military weak and our country vulnerable. Here is a key excerpt from the wingnut haven Red State:

It seems that they are pissed mostly that the group (and most sane people) feel we should engage Syria and Iran in some sort of dialog to fix this nightmare. Remember – Iran provided us intelligence when we went to war in Afghanistan. The key is that neither country wants a failed state on their border, and that is what the problem is right now.

Of course for these war mongers on the right, they feel that we should just start bombing and invading Iran and Syria. This is something all the brightest military and political minds strongly disagree with, and feels it will really make us weak, as well as cost us our few remaining allies in the Middle East. In other words – these type of wingnuts actually want to see us become a weaker nation, open to more terrorist attacks. They want our military weak and our defenses broken down. Why do they hate America so much?

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