
Thanks Tom!

With the victory of Ciro Rodriguez in TX-23 last night, many have forgot who to really thank. I even forgot, but Kos reminded me. This is the sweet gift of one Tom Delay. His redistricting plan in Texas, which could still land him in jail, was a big winner for Democrats.


(Graphic courtesy of Swing State Project. Visit them for the bigger picture)

Of course the media is ignoring the fact that this year’s Democratic victory was HUGE! Chris does a good job of reminding people about that. True the right wing blogosphere can only focus on the minor defeat of Ned Lamont. I guess we can let them gloat on that small fact, while they sit back and squirm in the minority these next 2 years.

Now that Democrats are looking towards larger scale ethics reform, I am sure many Republicans are glad they lost, while many who did win are still running scared.

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