
Time To Play Catch-Up

In the weeks leading up to last month’s elections, there were tons of stories coming out of possible wrong-doing by mostly GOP candidates. Well now it seems that the FBI is playing catch up with investigations into these claims, and here is another one to add to the mix:

A federal investigation is underway after allegations surfaced against US Rep. Tim Murphy.

Sources tell KDKA federal agents have begun interviewing former Murphy staffers on whether they did political work for the congressman on government time.

Murphy denies the allegations.

“There’s absolutely nothing and no staff has ever been ordered to say anything about voting or political, never,” he told KDKA in November.

But while neither the FBI nor the U.S. Attorney’s office will confirm or deny an investigation, the probe concerns just that.

Just think of how much more money our federal government would have if these politicans could follow the laws they are suppose to create. We need stiffer penalties put in place for congressmen who violate the laws – something similar to punishments for doctors who abuse their powers.

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